Friday 10 May 2013

Mental health

A person needs good mental health so that he can take maximum right decisions. Normally a person takes 50-60 % right decisions which can be improved to 90-95%. The decision taking becomes tougher in tense or abnormal situations. In present working conditions/family atmosphere, more decsions are taken under presure of near & dear ones. However, the best decision can be taken, when a person is not influenced by any pressure. To achive this stage, where a person can take decisions without fear, greed, anger etc, he needs to activate his brain cells to the maximum possible extend. Normally 50-60 % brain cells are active in a person which is possible to improve to 90-95 % by achiving sound mental health.

For a sound mental health any one can do one or more of the following mental exercises:
  1. Bhramri & Udgeet Pranayam.
  2. Dhyan Yoga.
  3. Jap.
  4. Kirtan.
  5. Meditate & Radiate.
  6. Reiki.
  7. Sahaj Marg.

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